The Top Causes for Blowouts And How The Right TPMS Can Prevent Them

April 27, 2024

As a fleet manager, you understand the critical role that well-maintained tires play in keeping your operations running smoothly. Tire blowouts not only pose a safety risk but can also lead to unexpected downtime and increased maintenance costs. And during the winter months, they are more common and more dangerous. Here are the top causes of fleet tire blowouts and how Doran360™ Tire Monitoring System can be your fleet’s protector on the road.

The Causes of Tire Blowouts

  1. Underinflated Tires

One of the leading causes of tire blowouts in fleets is underinflation. When tires are not properly inflated, they generate excess heat during operation. This heat buildup weakens the tire structure and can ultimately result in a blowout. Regularly checking tire pressure is essential, but in the hustle and bustle of fleet management, manual checks can be overlooked. During cold winter months, cold temperatures reduce inflation pressures naturally, so it is increasingly important to adjust your tire pressure appropriately.

  1. Overloading Stress

Overloading your fleet vehicles beyond their recommended capacity puts an immense strain on the tires. Excess weight generates more heat, which, when combined with other factors like high speeds, increases the risk of tire blowouts. Proper load management and adherence to weight limits are crucial preventive measures. 

  1. Road Hazards and Potholes

Fleet vehicles often traverse diverse terrains, encountering road hazards and potholes that can cause significant damage to tires. Poor road conditions multiply in winter months with the potential for ice and hidden hazards.  Impact with sharp objects or uneven surfaces can lead to punctures or structural damage, making tires susceptible to blowouts. Regular inspections and cautious driving can help mitigate this risk.

Blowout Prevention with TPMS

  1. Real-Time Pressure Alerts

A tire monitoring system acts as a guardian for your fleet by providing real-time tire pressure alerts. It monitors the pressure of each tire, instantly notifying you (in the cab, or remotely) of any deviations from the recommended levels. This proactive approach allows you to address underinflation promptly, reducing the risk of blowouts.

  1. Temperature Monitoring

In addition to pressure alerts, Doran 360™ tire monitoring systems also monitor tire temperature. Excessive heat is a precursor to blowouts, and an early warning allows you to intervene before a critical situation arises. Temperature monitoring adds an extra layer of protection, especially during long hauls or high-stress conditions.

  1. Improved Maintenance Planning

A tire monitoring system not only helps to prevent sudden blowouts but also facilitates better maintenance planning. By providing insights into tire health and performance, it allows you to schedule timely inspections and replacements, minimizing the chances of unexpected downtime.

In fleet management, proactive measures are the key to ensuring the safety and efficiency of your operations. The top causes of fleet tire blowouts can be effectively tackled with the implementation of a reliable TPMS. Invest in the well-being of your fleet, and let Doran 360™ TPMS be your tire safety ally on the open road. To learn more about how our systems can help your fleet, call or send us a message today.


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